The greatest revolution of SYNETICA EVOLUTION is the combination of ultrasound cavitation and radiofrequency. It is the only device in the world to perform treatments as liposuction or body contouring using two cosmetic procedures.


Plastic surgeons and specialists can decide which method to carry out during the treatment; ultrasound cavitation and radiofrequency can be used separately or jointly. The ultrasound cavitation gently breaks up and dislodges fat cells with micro-cannula causing less swelling and a faster recovery. The radiofrequency is emitted from the same cannula to restore skin balance, to tighten and smooth the skin, without pain or surgery. The results will be extraordinary.


– Liposuction and Liposculpture

– Gynecomastia, tummy tack, skin rejuvenation

– Cellulite, reduction of localized fat adipose tissues (thighs, buttocks, etc.,)

– Sagging butt, calves, ankles, love handles, saddlebags

– Double-chin, armpit ‘wrinkles’, flabby arms

– Skin tightening and Skin resurfacing


The safer and less invasive way to remove fat deposits and cellulite with one treatment.

The biggest advantage of SYNETICA EVOLUTION lies in offering liposuction and skin tightening results without subjecting the patient to the stress caused by hospitalization, needles, injections, scarring or general anesthesia which is often dangerous and poorly tolerated. The treatment, performed by a medical specialist, can take place in outpatient setting and does not require an operating room or sedation.

The treatment can last from 20minutes up to 1hour. Only the area to be treated with the micro-cannulas is locally anaesthetized prior the procedure. At the end of the session, patient can return to the work or daily activities immediately. The micro-incision made during the treatment for inserting the micro-cannula produces only superficial and tiny hole (1-2mm) with no contraindications. A simple butterfly bandage ia used to close the small wound.

Instead of the sharp instruments and aggressive suctioning of the traditional liposuction, SYNETICA EVOLUTION is equipped with three different micro-cannulas to have more accuracy and precision, a faster recoveryno down-time and superior results. In addition, the state of the art techniques of Synetica Evolution enable better, more immediate results by optimizing the time of the treatment and minimizing the risk and discomfort during and after the procedure.

The ultrasound cavitation causes an emulsification of fat and converts fat cells into liquids that are drained by the body’s own natural filtration system. This action targets the most restricted areas that are untreatable by the traditional cavitation equipment. With minimum invasiveness, the micro-cannula is inserted under the skin area to be treated. The direct solicitation of fat greatly enhances the effect and dissolution of fat masses. The ultrasonic waves are generated on the entire length of the cannulas, not only at the tip. For this reason, this method is used to counteract the fatty deposit in areas hitherto impossible to treat with other devices.

The Radio frequency is a procedure used for the treatment of skin laxity from an increase in tissue temperature. The procedure induces thermal damage to stimulate neocollagenesis in deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. RF can be used in conjunction with ultrasound cavitation to aid further fat breakdown and to firm, smoother and rejuvenate the skin in the same area the cavitation treatment has taken place. Normally, if on the one hand the liposuction procedure breaks up and removes fat deposits, on the other hand, the treatment leads to a certain degree of skin flaccidy and laxity. Thanks to the combination of lipocavitation and RF of SYNETICA EVOLUTIONpatients will never experience a loss of skin tone. The radiofrequency prevents the skin’s loose of density and elasticity, repairing and restoring the ‘new’ skin, previously treated with the ultrasound. The superior results obtained are already visible at the end of the first treatment.


SYNETICA EVOLUTION is the most sophisticated development of the old cavitation concept, because it acts from within and targets the most restricted areas that, so far, are untreatable by the cavitation equipment. Its enormous potential is concentrated in its micro-cannulas, which transmits the contouring action directly inside the tissue, aiming it at the most affected points.

SYNETICA EVOLUTION is equipped with 3 micro-cannulas of different diameters. The direct solicitation of fat greatly enhances the effect of dissolution of fat masses, because the cavitation action stimulates fatty tissue in a more immediate way. However, the effectiveness of SYNETICA EVOLUTION is even greater, because the ultrasound waves and the radiofrequency waves are generated on the entire length of the cannulas, not only at the tip. Thanks to the precision of the micro-cannula’s action, it is possible to treat also the most delicate areas, without the risk of damaging them.

SYNETICA EVOLUTION cannulas have a thin diameter of 1 to 3 mm. The cannulas penetrate even in the areas that are normally the most difficult to reach. For this reason, it is the best method to melt and remove the fatty deposits in areas impossible to treat, such as chin, armpit, inner thigh and knee and ankle areas. Moreover, thanks to the precision of the cannula’s action, it is also possible to work within the most delicate areas, without the risk of damaging them.

In liposuction, a pen-like medical instrument called “cannula” is used to suction out subcutaneous fat from under your skin, but with Lipo-Cavitation, you won’t be poked, prodded, or injected with anything. Lipo-Cavitation reduces completely the potential side effects of the old liposuction. The treatment is painless, and patients may only experience temporary skin sensitivity, mild bruising, fluid build-up, or blisters where the transducer was used.
Normally, if on the one hand the liposuction procedure breaks up and removes fat deposits, on the other hand, the treatment leads to a certain degree of skin flaccidy and laxity. Thanks to the combination of lipocavitation and RF of SYNETICA EVOLUTIONpatients will never experience a loss of skin tone. The radiofrequency prevents the skin’s loose of density and elasticity, repairing and restoring the ‘new’ skin, previously treated with the ultrasound.

Instead of relying on older liposuction technology, Synetica Evolution is a safer and minimally invasive procedure. The artistry of SYNETICA EVOLUTION comes from the combination of ultrasound cavitation and radiofrequency which have improved the effectiveness and minimize the risks on patients. Safer than traditional liposuction, Synetica Evolution uses the latest liposuction technology to deliver outstanding results with less pain and downtime.

SYNETICA EVOLUTION is an extremely avant-garde system for the dissolution of fatty deposits and PEFS. Approved by expert plastic surgeons, it is an appreciated medical device because it works in a gentle and minimally invasive way to obtain significant results. Synetica does not require a general anaesthesia like other liposuction devices and patients can return to their daily activities immediately. Moreover, nerves and blood vessels are not damaged

Thanks to the possibility of operating with the micro-cannulas, SYNETICA EVOLUTION permits targeted treatment, even in extremely restricted areas that were previously untreatable. In addition, the results obtained are immediately visible.

Treatment with SYNETICA EVOLUTION does not require an operating theatre or anaesthesia but can be carried out as an outpatient.


The great innovation of SYNETICA EVOLUTION lies in the combination of the internal lipo cavitation and the firming effect of internal radio frequency. In this way, there is no risk of replacing unsightly fat mass with the flaccidity of treated tissues, because action can be taken on both fronts simultaneously.

Radio frequency waves are emitted at the same time from the entire length of the cannula, and not only at its end, compensating the dissolution and depletion of tissues through micro cavitation. In this way, the effect of skin rejuvenation induced by radio frequency is continuous, widespread and, above all, parallel to the action of lipo-cavitation.

Through the thin and innovative structure of the micro-cannulas, the radio frequency reaches the smallest gaps treated, in such a way as to leave no sign of depletion due to the lipo cavitation action. As the cannula passes, firming action takes place to leave tissues firm immediately and not oblige the patient to resort to subsequent contouring treatments. The entire procedure of ultrasound cavitation is minimally invasive, and the radiofrequency treatments are totally pain-free.

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